
Make, Do and Mend

The cyber-diary of what this homemaker makes, does and sometimes mends.
My motto is "if you do stuff, stuff gets done"

Monday, December 3, 2012

Clean laundry -my thrifty way

My children tease me that I am picky about lots of things and that may be true but I am especially picky about how I do laundry.
Clothing and linens are expensive and I know that careful laundering can keep them looking good or careless laundering can make them look bad before their time.  

First,  I sort the laundry- 
I sort by color and by fabric weight/type

whites get washed alone so nothing transfers color onto them and they get washed in hot water to kill germs 

Darks like jeans and husbands work shirts all get washed together on the sturdy cycle
mostly in cold but sometimes in warm if they are especially dirty. 

lighter weight things like my tops and sleepware get washed together on gentle on cold.

I use 2 kinds of laundry detergent-
 I use Tide for any clothes that might have stains.

This is my grand daughters Thanksgiving shirt that she wore all that day while she ate and played with her Louisiana cousins.
  It was plenty messy with red marker, pink frosting and all kinds of dirt and spots.
Her mom asked me to wash it as she did not think she could get it clean.
I poured liquid Tide on the spots and added it to the rest of that delicate load
This white shirt came out 100% white and spot free after just one wash!

I don't buy or make pre-treatment- I just use Tide on those spots.

Yes,  I know Tide is expensive.  I buy a giant jug at SamsClub and it really lasts a long time.
For me,  it is worth it.  That jug of Tide costs less than one blouse or shirt that might end up stained and useless.  

for laundry that is not stained or spotty,  I buy the cheapest powder detergent and use it  on those loads.  

Drying that clean laundry
I have a clothesline outside and use it for bigger things like sheets, blankets and jeans.

But last week,  I did laundry and cleaning on Monday- a very cold and windy day in Oklahoma.
So,  I use the clothes dryer for the small things.  
For the bigger things,  I started them in the dryer for about 15 minutes and then I put them on their hangers and spread them around the doorways to finish drying,
I did this early in the morning and by mid-afternoon, they were dry and put away in the closet.

Monday was also cleaning day,  that vacuum and mop weren't just there for looks.
It was Monday after Thanksgiving,  and our house had lots of living in it during that 4 day weekend.
It needed a good cleaning and I was happy to do.
and really happy when it was done.   


  1. I like to air dry laundry in the house in the winter, too. It adds needed moisture to the air. I'm also a Tide girl. That stuff can be magic. :)

  2. I just bought some Purex dye free detergent. I had been making the homemade detergent (powder form) but found out two things: 1. The borax caused itching and red spots on my hands and arms, even after rinsing well, 2. our whites just looked grayer and grayer. After two years I am going back to store bought. I even used vinegar in the rinse cycle, water softener, and made up a homemade bleach alternative I found online. All added up to a lot of frustration. If the Purex does not work I will try the Tide.

    I have learned that if one saves in other areas of their finances then extra money can be used toward more expensive items that work, such as the Tide does for you. For me, making my own laundry detergent just became frustrating and money wasted since it was not working well.

    Nice to see my house isn't the only one with clothes hanging in the doorways;-)

    blessings, jill

  3. Oh my! I thought I was looking a picture of my house on laundry day...I hang just like that! I also use a couple folding racks I picked up at Target a while back. When not in use, I hang them behind my laundry door on a over-the-door coat rack (good space saver). Enjoyed this post, thank you!

  4. You are a careful launderer, aren't you. Thank you for telling us how you do it. My daughter is also a very careful launderer and she has taught me a lot, too.
    Your gd's little shirt is very sweet.
    Hugs, Cindy

  5. I enjoyed your post and pictures, and this ~ " That jug of Tide costs less than one blouse or shirt that might end up stained and useless." is oh so true!

  6. Rhonda, I agree Tide is high but good. I use to jump around from time to time and then mom was talking about the cold water Tide a few years back and I tried it and without even saying anything myself the 2 kids and hubby noticed even on towels how much brighter they were. I hang alot around to dry also. I use very little fabric softener on some items---rarely on towels since it makes them non absorbant (totally wrong sp.). Love my clothesline. My daughter even likes using a clothesline and made sure she had one when they got married.


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