
Make, Do and Mend

The cyber-diary of what this homemaker makes, does and sometimes mends.
My motto is "if you do stuff, stuff gets done"

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Not going to Wal-mart but I think this is funny

Why yes,  I am still in my pajamas 
I normally wear clothes all day but I am sick for the 2nd time this month - aargh! so I have worn jammies all day.  
 I did feel a little better this afternoon and took a shower and put on clean jammies.

 I hardly ever get sick and don't like this one bit.  

But I am very hopeful that if I get a good night's sleep tonight,  
I will be back to my busy self tomorrow.  

So,  sweet dreams to everyone, me included,
and do whatever you can to avoid germs.  


  1. That is pretty funny, what isn't funny is how many people you actually see out and about in what looks like their jammies. Every time I see it I really hope it isn't though. I know it's nice to be able to be casual, but come on...
    I hope you get to feeling better and I was NOT referring to you, my friend.
    Hugs, Cindy

    1. Cindy, I wondered if this bad dressing trend had spread to Canada. Too bad.
      And actually, pajamas don't bother me as much as the clothes that just don't cover what they ought to cover, and I know you know what I mean.

  2. Toward end of each month I like to adventure out and stop in at some blogs other then my regular ones...I came over though Carlas blog “My half dozen daily” and or “Nanny Place”....There nothing like a nice pair of warm jammies...crawl under a blanket and enjoy some hot tea...Hope you feel better soon...Anyhow I just love this cat... Stop in when your well my coffee is always hot.

  3. I hope you feel better soon! This virus/flu season has been brutal.


    1. thank you Carol. Now, my grandson who I have not been around all week is sick with some crazy rash that some of his other friends have also come down with.

  4. I just saw on your pinterest page and laughed out loud! So true! And I hope you'll feel better soon. There is some nasty stuff going around.

    1. aren't those Pinterest sayings just the best waste of time? so many funny ones.

  5. I hope you feel better today. Its ok to stay in your jammies anyway though!

  6. A day in jammies can be a real treat unless you don't feel good :( Hope that good night sleep did the trick

  7. I hope you are feeling better!

  8. Hope you're better today than Grumpy Cat! I love these cat pics - they're so funny!

    1. I've never had a cat, they make me sneeze, but I crack up at those funny pictures like I must own 5 of them.

  9. Hope you are feeling better, Rhonda! People wear jammies at Walmart here all the time. I would never do that! :)

  10. I hope you get to feeling better soon. Yeah, I would never be caught past the drive way in a pair of pajamas. :) It's amazing at how many people don't have enough pride in themselves to not leave home in them.

  11. I hope you feel better soon, Rhonda. Pajama days are so comfortable sick or not. :-)

  12. Thank you everyone, I am feeling much better!

  13. I see people out in their PJ's everyday. I see them at Walmart and I've seen them at BJ's. How lazy can people be?


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